• WellSky teammates
    make a difference

Contributing to the communities we live and work in is an essential element of WellSky’s vision for a healthy, flourishing world. We know that when we work together to address key challenges to wellness, we can truly elevate care for people in need — regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances.

Our teammates are champions of health in their communities

How we amplify our impact

Empowering volunteer opportunities

We invite our teammates to contribute their time and talents in their communities through company-coordinated volunteer days with WellSky Foundation partner organizations. We also encourage all teammates to spend time in their communities, with two full days of paid volunteer time off (VTO) they can dedicate to supporting the causes closest to their hearts.

Annual companywide giving

Each year, WellSky unites our teams with a giving campaign spanning our offices. Beyond just monetary giving, teammates also contribute their time to organizations they care about. When we come together to share our gifts, we can make an even greater impact in our communities.

Matching teammate donations

To amplify the WellSky Foundation’s impact, part of our ongoing commitment to the communities we serve includes matching our teammates’ donations. Our shared contributions expand our reach, so we can serve more people and communities in need.

Together, we make potential possible.